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Typeof in JavaScript

The typeof is an operator that returns the data type of a given value or variable. It returns a string that specifies the type of the value or variable.

Here are the different data types that can be returned by typeof:

  • "undefined": if the value is undefined

  • "boolean": if the value is a boolean (true or false)

  • "number": if the value is a number

  • "bigint": if the value is a bigint

  • "string": if the value is a string

  • "symbol": if the value is a symbol

  • "object": if the value is an object, a function, or null (null is considered an object in JavaScript)

  • "function": if the value is a function

Here are a few examples of using typeof:

typeof undefined; // "undefined"
typeof true; // "boolean"
typeof 42; // "number"
typeof 9007199254740991n; // "bigint"
typeof "hello"; // "string"
typeof Symbol("foo"); // "symbol"
typeof {name: "Alice", age: 25}; // "object"
typeof function () {}; // "function"
typeof null; // "object"

The Data Type of typeof

The typeof operator always returns a string, which represents the data type of the value or variable passed as an argument. This means that the data type of typeof itself is a string.

Here's an example to illustrate this:

typeof typeof 42; // "string"

In this example:

  • The inner typeof 42 expression returns the string "number".
  • The outer typeof operator returns the string "string".
  • Which is the data type of the result of the inner expression.

So, the data type of typeof is always a string, regardless of the argument passed to it.

The constructor Property

The constructor property is a property of objects that refers to the constructor function that created the object. Every object in JavaScript has a constructor property, except for null and undefined.

As an example:

function Person(name) { = name;

const person1 = new Person("Alice");
console.log(person1.constructor); // returns "Person"

const person2 = new person1.constructor("Bob");
console.log(; // returns "Bob"

In this example:

  • The Person function is a constructor function that creates objects with a name property.
  • The person1 object is created using the new keyword and the Person constructor function, and therefore its constructor property refers to the Person function.


  • We can also create a new object person2 using the constructor property of person1
  • Which returns the same constructor function that created person1.
  • We then create a new object person2 using this constructor function and passing in the name "Bob".
  • The resulting object person2 also has a name property, which we can access with

JavaScript undefined

The undefined is a primitive value that is automatically assigned to a variable or property when it is declared but not initialized with a value. It is also the default return value of a function that does not explicitly return a value.

As an example:

let x; // x is undefined

function foo() {}
console.log(foo()); // logs undefined

const obj = {};
console.log(; // logs undefined

In the first example:

  • The variable x is declared but not initialized, so its value is undefined.
  • In the second example, the function foo does not have a return statement, so it implicitly returns undefined.
  • In the third example, the property property of the object obj does not exist, so accessing it returns undefined.

The undefined is a primitive value, not an object, so it does not have any methods or properties. However, it is still a value, and can be compared with other values using the === operator.

JavaScript null

The null is a primitive value that represents an intentional absence of any object value. It is often used to indicate that a variable or property does not have a value, or that a function intentionally returns no value.

As an example:

let x = null; // x has no value

function foo() {
return null;

const obj = {
property: null,

In the first example

  • The variable x is explicitly assigned the value null, indicating that it does not have a value.
  • In the second example, the function foo intentionally returns the value null, indicating that it has no return value.
  • In the third example, the property property of the object obj is explicitly assigned the value null, indicating that it does not have a value.

Note that null is a primitive value, not an object, so it does not have any methods or properties. Also note that null is distinct from undefined, which represents a value that is not yet defined or has not been assigned a value.

Empty Values

In JavaScript, there are two values that represent an "empty" or "no value" state: null and undefined.

null is the intentional absence of any object value, while undefined is a value that is not yet defined or has not been assigned a value. Both are falsy values, which means they are considered false in a boolean context.

In addition to null and undefined, there are also empty string (""), zero (0), and NaN, which can be considered as "empty" values in certain contexts.

Here are some examples of empty values in JavaScript:

let x; // undefined
let y = null; // null
let z = ""; // empty string
let n = 0; // zero
let a = NaN; // not a number

Note that null and undefined are distinct values with different meanings, and are not interchangeable. In general, undefined is used to represent a value that is not yet defined or has not been assigned, whereas null is used to represent an intentional absence of any object value.