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JavaScript Break and Continue

The break and continue statements are used in JavaScript to alter the flow of a for, while, or do...while loop.

For example, if you use the break statement within a for loop, the loop will be terminated early.

If you use the continue statement within a for loop, one iteration of the loop will be skipped.

The Break Statement

The break keyword is used to immediately terminate a loop. When the break keyword is encountered in a loop, the loop will be exited and control will be passed to the next statement following the loop.

Here is an example of using the break keyword in a for loop:



In this example:

  • The loop will be terminated when i is equal to 3.

The Continue Statement

The continue keyword is used to skip the current iteration of a loop and move on to the next iteration.

When the continue keyword is encountered in a loop, the current iteration will be skipped and control will be passed to the next iteration of the loop.

Here is an example of using the continue keyword in a for loop:



In this example:

  • The iteration when i is equal to 3 will be skipped.