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Let in Javascript

JavaScript let keyword is used to declare block-scoped variables.

It was introduced in ECMAScript 6 as an alternative to var, which declares variables in the global or function scope.

The key difference is that let variables are block-scoped, while var variables are function or global scoped.

Declaring a variable with let

let x = 42;

This code declares a block-scoped variable x and initializes it with the value 42. x can only be accessed within the block it's declared in.


let x = 42;

console.log(x); // 42


  • We declared a variable x using let and initialized it with the value 42.
  • We logged the value of x to the console.

Importantance of Let

Here are some important points about the let keyword in JavaScript:

  • let are block-scoped.
  • let must be declared before use.
  • let cannot be redeclared.
  • let cannot be hoisted.