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Introduction to CSS Pagination

CSS Pagination

CSS Pagination is a technique used to divide content into separate pages, allowing users to navigate through the content more easily. It involves using CSS to style the page numbers and navigation buttons, and JavaScript or server-side scripting to handle the page switching.

As an example:



In this example:

  • We have a container div with a class of pagination.
  • Inside this container, we have multiple a tags with a class of page.
  • The first a tag is marked as active by giving it a class of active.
  • In CSS, we apply styles to the pagination container to center the pagination on the page.
  • We also style the page links with a border, padding, and margin to give them a button-like appearance.
  • The active class gives the active page number a distinct background color.

Active and Hoverable Pagination

Active and hoverable pagination can improve the user experience by providing visual feedback to the user when they interact with the pagination links.

As an example:

