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Introduction to CSS Buttons

CSS Buttons

CSS buttons are a popular way to create interactive elements on a website. There are several ways to create buttons using CSS, but the basic approach involves creating a container element for the button and applying CSS styles to it to give it the appearance of a button.

As an example:



In this example:

  • We have created a button with a green background color, white text, and a border radius of 5 pixels.
  • The padding property sets the amount of space between the button's text and its border, while the margin property adds space around the button.
  • The cursor property sets the mouse pointer to the hand symbol when it is over the button,

Rounded Buttons

Here's an example of how to create a rounded button using CSS:



Colored Button Borders

You can create colored button borders using CSS by adding the border property to your button style and specifying the border color.

As an example:



Hoverable Buttons

Creating hoverable buttons in CSS is a great way to add interactivity and feedback to your website.

As an example:



Button on Image

You can create a button on top of an image in CSS by using a combination of HTML and CSS.

As an example:



Animated Buttons

Animated buttons can add an eye-catching and engaging effect to your website.

As an example:

