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CSS Forms

CSS can be used to style forms, including input fields, labels, buttons, and more.

Here are some common ways to style forms with CSS:

  • Style input fields: You can use CSS to style input fields by targeting the input selector.

As an example:

input {
font-size: 16px;
color: #333;
background-color: #fff;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 5px;
  • Style labels: Labels are typically used to describe input fields. You can use CSS to style labels by targeting the label selector.

As an example:

label {
font-size: 14px;
color: #333;
padding: 5px;
  • Style buttons: Buttons are used to submit or reset forms. You can use CSS to style buttons by targeting the button selector.

As an example:

button {
background-color: #333;
color: #fff;
border: none;
padding: 10px 20px;
cursor: pointer;
  • Style form elements on focus: You can also add styles to form elements when they are in focus.

As an example:

input:focus {
border: 2px solid #333;
background-color: #f5f5f5;
  • Style form elements on hover: Similarly, you can add styles to form elements when the user hovers over them.

As an example:

input:hover {
background-color: #f5f5f5;

Styling Input Fields

Here's an example of how to style an input field using CSS:



To target specific input types for styling, you can use attribute selectors instead of the general input selector.

Here are some examples:

  • input[type="text"]: This will only select text fields.
  • input[type="password"]: This will only select password fields.
  • input[type="number"]: This will only select number fields.
  • input[type="email"]: This will only select email fields.
  • input[type="date"]: This will only select date fields.
  • input[type="checkbox"]: This will only select checkbox fields.
  • input[type="radio"]: This will only select radio button fields.

Input with icon/image

You can add an icon or image to an input field by using CSS and HTML.

As an example:



Padded Inputs

Padded inputs are input fields that have some extra space around their content, making them easier to read and interact with.

As an example:



Bordered Inputs

Bordered inputs are input fields that have a visible border around them, making them stand out more on the page.

As an example:



Colored Inputs

Colored inputs are input fields that have a background color or border color applied to them, making them visually distinctive.

As an example:



Focused Inputs

Focused inputs are input fields that have a different style when the user clicks on them or focuses on them.

As an example:



Animated Search Input

An animated search input is an input field that has a search icon on one side and an animation that expands the input field when the user clicks on it.

As an example:



Styling Textareas

Textareas can be styled in much the same way as input fields, using CSS.

As an example:



Styling Select Menus

Styling select menus can be done using CSS to customize the appearance of the select element and its options.

As an example:



Responsive Form

To create responsive forms in CSS, you can use media queries to adjust the layout and styling of your form based on the width of the screen.

As an example:

