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Discover the Magic of CSS Icons for Web Design | CSS Icon Libraries

CSS icons are icons that are created using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) rather than images.

Icons can be used to add visual interest and enhance the design of a website or web application, without adding additional files to the website.

As an example:



In this example:

  • The heart icon is created using a combination of a circle and two half-circles.
  • The transform: rotate(-45deg) property is used to rotate the icon 45 degrees counter-clockwise.
  • The ::before and ::after pseudo-elements are used to create the two half-circles that make up the top of the heart.

CSS Icons Libraries

There are many icon libraries available that provide a wide range of icons that you can use on your website or web application.

Here are some popular CSS icon libraries:

Font Awesome

Font Awesome is a popular CSS icon library that provides over 7,000 icons that can be used on the web.

As an example:



In this example:

  • The Font Awesome CSS file is included in the head section of the HTML file using the link tag.
  • The heart icon is created using an i element with the class fas fa-heart.

Material Icons

Material Icons is a collection of icons created by Google.

As an example:



In this example:

  • The Material Icons CSS file is included in the head section of the HTML file using the link tag.
  • The star icon is created using an i element with the class material-icons.


Ionicons is a CSS icon library that provides over 1,200 icons that can be used on the web.

As an example:



In this example:

  • The Ionicons CSS file is included in the head section of the HTML file using the link tag.
  • The home icon is created using an i element with the class ion-home.

Feather Icons

Feather Icons is a lightweight CSS icon library that provides over 300 icons that can be used on the web.

As an example:



In this example:

  • The Feather Icons CSS file is included in the head section of the HTML file using the link tag.
  • The camera icon is created using an i element with the data-feather attribute set to "camera".
  • The Feather Icons JavaScript file is included at the end of the body section of the HTML file to replace the icons with their corresponding SVGs.

Remix Icon

Remix Icon is a CSS icon library that provides over 2,000 icons that can be used on the web.

As an example:



In this example:

  • The Remix Icon CSS file is included in the head section of the HTML file using the link tag.
  • The home icon is created using an i element with the class ri-home-2-line.


Zondicons is a CSS icon library that provides over 750 icons that can be used on the web.

As an example:



In this example:

  • The Zondicons CSS file is included in the head section of the HTML file using the link tag.
  • The bell icon is created using an svg element with the classes zondicon and zondicon-bell.